Jeremy Bioletti's Quick Legal Advice 

How to Choose Your Lawyer?


Be wary of the lawyer who says he can get you off the charge without knowing anything about it. Look for a lawyer who is nosy and wants to know what happened. Sometimes the lawyer who says no problem I can get you off this very serious charge will change their minds just before you are about to be arraigned before the jury and say I think you should plead guilty. A trained monkey can tell people to plead guilty. You might be better off with a lawyer who appears a little pessimistic but when the bullets start to fly doesn't wave the white flag.



What should I do if the police either ring me or come to see me?


1. You should not talk to them other than to arrange a time to attend to see them at the police station.

2. You should then contact a lawyer to attend the appointment with you.

3. If the police arrest you do not resist. Go with them but do not discuss the case.

4. Once arrested or detained you have the legal right to call a lawyer.

5. Take advantage of this opportunity you are given and make the call.


Jeremy Bioletti law's Top 5 legal rules

1. Do not plead guilty.

2. Do not talk to the police about your case.

3. Do not try and get it over with.

4. Do not panic.

5. Remember your situation can be solved.


When you first go to court you can ask for your case to be adjourned for two weeks to get proper legal advice.


Depending on the seriousness of the charge you can can choose to be tried by a judge or jury.


If you are detained or arrested by the police you must be given a call to a lawyer, shut up and make that call. My number is 0274870347.


Helpful Legal Links in NZ:

New Zealand Bar Association